Fundraise For Us

With so many ways to raise money for Hopscotch, we’ve got everything you need to make it happen, your way. Whether you want to go it alone or do something with your school, work or place of worship, you’ll find lots of fundraising inspiration.

Celebrate and fundraise for us

Whether it's for a birthday, anniversary or religious celebration, go for some karaoke, a tea-party or a disco. Instead of gifts, ask for donations to us.

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Select challenge

Choose a challenge which you would like to do.

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Set up JustGiving

To set up a JustGiving page, click here

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Tell us

Make sure you tell us what you are doing via email or social media, so we can support you.

Any other fundraising ideas?

We can share other fundraising ideas with you - for example, a quiz night which could bring in enough money for us to buy a couple of tablets for women, who are actively looking for work and improving their English at the same time.

Get in touch with us at